OCNJ Beach & Boardwalk FAQ

FAQ from www.ocnj.us
Am I allowed to be on the beach? Beach access is permitted for active recreation only — including walking, running, surfing, exercising and fishing. Sunbathing, sitting in chairs or lying on towels, groups of people, group sports and bathing are prohibited. Full access to all beach activities will open on Saturday, May 16. Please avoid social gathering and respect social distancing guidelines. Am I allowed to be on the boardwalk? The boardwalk is open for walking, running, bicycling and for access to takeout food. Please avoid social gathering and respect social distancing guidelines. Non-essential retail stores and amusement centers remain closed by executive order of the governor.
When can I leave home under the “shelter in place” order issued by the governor? All residents are to stay at home or at their place of residence unless they are leaving for the following reasons:
- Obtaining goods or services from essential retail businesses;
- Obtaining takeout or food beverages from restaurants;
- Seeking medical attention, essential social services, or assistance from law enforcement;
- Visiting family or close friends, caretakers, or romantic partners;
- Reporting to or performing their job;
- Walking, running, or engaging in outdoor activities with immediate family, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners;
- Leaving for an educational, religious, or political reason;
- Leaving because of a reasonable fear for health or safety;
- Leaving at the direction of law enforcement or other government agency.
Individuals who have to travel must practice social distancing when possible and should use public transportation only if they have no other choice. People do not have to be with only “immediate family members.” People can walk down the street, travel in cars or otherwise be outside with non-family members with whom they have a close personal relationship. What is social distancing? People need to stay at least six feet apart when possible. Small groups of family members and others are permitted, as long as they fall under one of the exemptions in the “shelter in place” order. People or groups are permitted to pass each other on sidewalks and streets. Are face coverings mandatory? The governor’s Executive Order No. 122 makes it mandatory to wear cloth face coverings/masks inside any essential retail establishment or restaurant. It also makes wearing face coverings mandatory at warehousing businesses, manufacturing businesses, businesses performing essential construction, and on construction sites when “social distancing” is not possible. There is no executive order or CDC requirement that people wear masks at all times when in public. It is required only when you enter an essential retail establishment or restaurant. People do not have to wear face masks “at all times” while in public. The CDC does recommend “the wearing of cloth face coverings/ masks in public settings when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores and pharmacies, especially in areas of “significant community-based transmission.” Are restaurants allowed to be open? All can remain open for their normal business hours, but must continue to be delivery and/ or takeout only. Are short-term rentals and hotel stays permitted? A Cape May County Board of Chosen Freeholders regulates the lodging of transient guests or seasonal tenants withinCape May County and specifies the following:
- Rentals for a duration of greater than thirty (30) days shall be permitted effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, May 11, 2020;
- Rentals for a duration of less than thirty (30) days shall be permitted effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, June 1, 2020;
- Hotels and motels may operate at a capacity of 60% of its full capacity effective 12:01a.m., Monday, June 1, 2020
- Hotels and motels may operate at full capacity effective 12:01 a.m., Monday, June 22, 2020
The Full Resolution can be found here: https://capemaycountynj.gov/DocumentCenter/View/5975/County-Reopening-Resolution