“A Birds Eye View” on Asbury Avenue
by Stef Godfrey
September 21, 2015

The Ocean City Fine Arts League will present “A Birds Eye View” Show through the month of October. The show will feature works of art with unique perspectives; views from above, below, and through windows. All artwork displayed is available for purchase. The unique show will kick-off with a “Meet The Artist” reception and awards presentation on Friday, October 9th from 6pm-7:30pm. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free and open to the public.
For more information, call (609) 814-0308 or visit them at oceancityfineartsleague.org and like them on Facebook. Located at 608 Asbury Avenue in Ocean City, the “Art on Asbury” gallery is open 7 days a week, Monday through Saturday from 10am-5pm and Sunday from 10am-4pm.
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