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Ocean Positive aims to bring all abilities to water

Ocean Positive aims to bring all abilities to water

Ocean Positive (courtesy of Bruckner Chase)

Bruckner Chase’s focus is to make people feel comfortable, safe, and happy in the water. His non-profit, Ocean Positive, goes down a few different avenues to do that. 

“We try to remove barriers for people to be part of the ocean community. We try to remove barriers so that they don’t just do it once but do it all the time. You can’t do something all the time if you aren’t safe doing it,” said Bruckner, founder and CEO.

His foundation is focused on making sure everyone stays safe in the water as well as creating easier access for those who have physical disabilities.

“We were founded to create a safe and positive experience in local waters,” said Bruckner.

Bruckner started his career in the corporate world but found his way to swimming after participating in a long distance swim in 2010. After working with the Special Olympics to start its open water swim program, he turned his attention to South Jersey. Partnering with Bacharach, a rehabilitation center and hospital, Bruckner began the Blue Journey program, a facet of Ocean Positive, to bring people to the water who otherwise would have a hard time. 

“Predominantly spinal cord injuries is what we were looking at initially,” said Bruckner. “Our program now is focused on people with physical challenges— something that affects their motor control or mobility.” 

Getting those with physical disabilities to the water is one thing. Getting them into the water is quite another.

“It’s a challenge because one of the big barriers is not just getting people to the beach but there’s people who want to be in the water. We always knew that we couldn’t stop at the sand. We needed to get them into the water.”

They needed a special tool to do that safely. 

“We have a water wheelchair. It’s like a beach wheelchair but it’s designed to go into the water. People transfer from their normal wheelchair onto a chair that’s designed to go in the water and we wheel it into the water,” said Bruckner. 

From there, the athletes can transfer to a prone paddleboard, kayak, or they can open water swim. 

A facility like Beesley’s Point is ideal because it provides easy entry into the water. 

“When we look at a facility where we can do a program, we look for a beach or kayak launching area. This makes Beesley’s Point ideal,” said Bruckner. 

Recent renovations to Beesley’s Point makes it even more inviting. 

“They’ve added ADA accessible bathrooms and places in the shade. We’re currently looking at some grants to further enhance Beesley’s Point’s facilities. If we can do something as part of our program and it builds the community, all the better.” 

Now that the weather is getting colder, it’s time to transition indoors. 

“In the winter, we run a program at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center,” Bruckner said. 

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Ocean Positive’s other key initiative is Wave Safe, which is a collaboration with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service. 

“We’re connecting people with ocean friendly daily choices,” said Bruckner. 

They’re in the process of rolling out wave safe posters. 

“Right now there’s a rip current poster but we also have wave safe posters. Upper Township is piloting these posters that would go up in an area like a welcome center. They’re made from recycled ocean bound plastics. These posters are designed to protect the community, keep them safe, and also what to do if someone gets into trouble in the water,” said Bruckner. 

The posters are scannable through smart phones for more information.  

“People can see the poster, but they can look at the website and can take that information with them. We can see how much of a reach we’re having. It’s one of the things we’re the most excited about,” said Bruckner. 

Ocean Positive is all about safely bringing people to water. 

“The scariest things in the ocean are what you bring with you in your own head.” 

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