Mayor’s Update – Oct. 23, 2020

Dear Friends, I want to encourage you all to come out on Saturday afternoon to welcome Jared Fenstermacher to Ocean City. This young man’s story is remarkable, and I’d like to show him our community spirit.
Fenstermacher set out from Oregon four years ago on a cross-country bicycle trip to raise money for the For Pete’s Sake Cancer Respite Foundation. But that ride ended tragically in Iowa when he was struck by a truck in an accident that left him paralyzed. In a show of perseverance, Fenstermacher is now completing the journey that he began in 2016 by riding the final 1,200 miles on a bicycle propelled by his hands.
He is expected to arrive in Ocean City between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday (Oct. 24). Police and fire vehicles will meet him at the Ninth Street Bridge Welcome Center to escort him into town. I’d love to see people cheer him on along his route into town: Down Ninth Street to Atlantic Avenue and up to the Music Pier via Eighth Street.
The selflessness of fellow citizens like Fenstermacher is inspirational and his ride is a reminder of the importance of supporting all the families affected by cancer. The bridges on the Ninth Street causeway remain pink this month in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Our town hall meeting to discuss a preliminary concept and cost for a new public safety building is scheduled for Saturday morning. The concept includes a combined facility for the police and fire departments at the site of the existing fire headquarters at 550 Asbury Avenue. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 24 at the Ocean City Tabernacle (550 Wesley Avenue). All attendees will be asked to wear masks and to maintain social distancing. The Tabernacle auditorium has been sanitized in advance, and windows and doors will remain open to increase air circulation.
Free door hangers are now available to identify every home that will put out treats for trick-or-treaters this year. This system will make it easier for trick-or-treaters to find participating homes, and it will limit interactions with homes not participating. The door hangers can be picked up at City Hall (9th Street entrance at 861 Asbury Avenue), the Route 52 Welcome Center, the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center (1735 Simpson Avenue) and the Knight Building (115 E. 12th Street). An 8.5-by-11 version can be printed here and displayed outside any place where trick-or-treaters can see it. Trick-or-treating hours will be 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31.
Warm regards,
Jay A. Gillian