What’s Happening This Weekend

This Weekend in Ocean City:
Ocean City Great Strides Walk (April 29)— Sixth Street basketball courts. A 5k walk benefitting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Features food and family oriented activities. 10am registration, 11am walk. For more information call 610-325-6001.
Boardwalk & Downtown Merchant Table Sales (April 29 and 30)— Individual businesses on the boardwalk and downtown Asbury Ave. Businesses bring their select products outside for the day at booths in front of their stores. Check individual store hours for details.
Pancake Breakfast Hosted by Ocean City Boy Scouts(April 30)— American Legion Post 3304, 3304 Bay Avenue. Ocean City Boy Scout Troop 32 invites you to enjoy a pancake breakfast as they fundraise for scouting activities. 8am to noon. For more information, contact Chris Leonetti at 609-741-6146.
March for Babies (April 30)— Sports & Civic Center, sixth street just off the boardwalk. Five mile walk in support of babies’ health. Walk spans the entire length of the boardwalk. 11am registration, 12 noon start.
Music of the Northern Lights (April 30)— Ocean City Free Public Library in the Chris Maloney Lecture Hall. Package Goods Orchestra hosts a free concert featuring music with a “Canadian connection.” 2pm start.