Tis the Season in Ocean City, NJ!

OC’s own Mark Soifer has prepared the go to list for all the holiday events in the OC. Please use this guide all season long or grab your copy of Ocean City magazine which includes a complete holiday calendar.

Nov. 21 EARLIER THAN THE BIRD, 8 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. A Downtown Asbury Avenue Holiday Shopping celebration and fun filled experience! Enjoy the best bargains in the morning! Shop in your PJs. Win a Turkey if judges select you as one of the best dressed. You may also win gift certificates or more.

From noon until 3 p.m. enjoy FREE HORSE & CARRIAGE RIDES and photos with Santa in Ocean City’s Award Winning Downtown. Bring your camera!

Nov. 16-22 FITNESS WEEK: Benefit from a week of workouts, seminars, lessons and demonstrations designed to help you improve your mental, physical and spiritual health and better enjoy the holidays in top condition. Try cycling, Pilates, yoga, pickleball, kickball, Zumba and more at various City locations including: OC Aquatic and Fitness Center, Golden Buddha, Yoga Ginger, OC Arts Center and Local Studio Workout. $20 for any 5 sessions. Visit www.ocnj.us/recreation or OC Aquatic and Fitness Center for a complete schedule. Also check out the list of free events offered. For more information, call (609) 398-6900.

Nov. 21-22 CHRISTMAS ARTS AND HANDCRAFTS Festival: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Over 75 fine crafters and gourmet food specialists at the Music Pier, Boardwalk and Moorlyn Terrace. Everything for the holidays including wreaths, floral decorations, jewelry, custom gift baskets, metal art and much more. A $3 donation benefits Atlantic City Rescue Mission, Ocean City Food Cupboard, Wounded Warrior Project. Call 1-800-822-4112 for information.

Nov. 23 The OC Home Bank Annual Christmas Tree Lighting is on Monday November 23rd at 6:30 at the corner of 10th and Asbury Avenue. Mayor Gillian will light the tree, cookies and cider will be in the lobby.

Nov. 24 St. Francis of Cabrini Church, 114 Atlantic Ave., will host The Ocean City Ecumenical Council COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE at 7 p.m. The service will include Thanksgiving Hymns, the Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation and Thanksgiving sermon. Father Allen Lovell will be guest speaker. Mayor Jay Gillian will present opening remarks and read the Presidential Proclamation. Clergy from many Ocean City Churches will participate. A free will offering will be taken to continue the work of the Ocean City Ecumenical Council that includes the Food Cupboard and Clothes Closet. The Council and Ocean City Ministerium encourage you to bring non-perishable food items for the Food Cupboard. Dessert Fellowship will follow the service. All are invited.

Nov. 27 CHRISTMAS IN THE DOWNTOWN, “Our Miracle On Asbury Avenue.” Join merchants and Chamber from 2 to 5 p.m. in kicking off an old fashioned downtown Christmas. For more information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.

Nov. 28-29 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA- 8 a.m. till 11:30 a.m., Sat., 11/28, Jon and Patty’s Coffee Bar and Bistro, 637 Asbury Ave., Sun.11/29, Sunrise Café 1200 Asbury.

Nov. 28 SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: Downtown and Boardwalk Merchants will celebrate the season by offering day-long specials. This is a national event sponsored by American Express and promoted by the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce for the day after “Black Friday.” For information, call (609) 399-1412.

Dec. 4 CHRISTMAS PARADE: This Parade brings Santa to town, horse and buggy style. Route is from 6th to 11th St. on Asbury Ave. Parade starts 6:30 p.m. Afterwards, Santa will be located at the Park across from City Hall, 9th and Asbury Ave. He will pose for photos (bring your camera) and hand out treats.

DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS, Parade sponsors, invite bands, groups with floats, holiday themed costumed marchers, local organizations, etc. to join the fun. This is an ideal opportunity to get exposure for your group or business before an appreciative crowd. For information, call (609) 399-6111 ext. 9283. Register at www.ocnj.us and click on events.

Dec. 5 CHRISTMAS TROLLEY TOUR and SING: Join the Ocean City Historical Museum for a Christmas History Trolley Tour led by John Loeper with songs led by Dr. Richard Stanislaw. There will be a stop at the historic Snodgrass home on Central Ave. The tour ends at the Museum, 17th and Simpson Ave., where visitors will see a new exhibit, “Home for the Holidays: Christmas 1945” and be treated to holiday fare. Tickets are $20 for members, $25 for non members. Call (609)399-1801 for information.

Dec. 5-6 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA in the Downtown, 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.12/5 Yianni’s Café, 841 Asbury Ave. 12/6 Arlene’s on Asbury, 624 Asbury Ave.

Dec. 5-6 Jay Eggly / OCEAN CITY TRAIN SHOW: Features large Garden Railroad Display on Music Pier Stage, 30 ft. Lionel display with working accessories in Solarium of Pier and vendors exhibiting and selling trains, train parts, holiday decorations, memorabilia and more. Repairs made on site by technician Dick Yard. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. Admission: $3 for adults, $1 children 12 and under.

Dec. 5-6 FREE HORSE & CARRIAGE RIDES, noon to 3 p.m., in front of City Hall, 9th and Asbury Ave. For information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.

Dec. 5-6 PHOTOS WITH SANTA, noon to 3 p.m. in front of the Music Pier. There will be a $10 charge per photo. For more information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.

Dec. 6 The Ocean City Pops present JOY TO THE WORLD! An Orchestral and Choral Celebration of the glorious sounds of Christmas. Maestro Scheible and the Pops are joined by Heraldic Trumpets, Glorious Choirs, Dazzling Bells, featuring tenor Cody Austin. Showtime: 3 p.m. at the Ocean City High School Hughes Performing Arts Center, 6th and Atlantic Ave. Tickets $20, available at www.ocnj.us/boxoffice. For more information call (609) 399-6111.

Dec. 11-13 SWINGIN’ INTO THE HOLIDAYS: 2015 Spectacular at the Music Pier, Moorlyn Terrace and Boardwalk. Presented by the Greater Ocean City Theater Co. An enchanting cast of professional singers and dancers will present a high energy, family-oriented, song and dance tribute to the holidays directed and choreographed by Michael Hartman. Through dazzling costumes, familiar songs and special effects, the show will kindle the holiday spirit as the magic of the season comes to life in a brand new musical journey through seasonal favorites. Tickets $18 general admission, $15 children 12 and under. Show times Dec. 11&12-7:30 p.m., Dec.13-2 p.m. Call (609) 399-6111 or visit www.ocnj.us/boxoffice.

Dec. 12-13 BREAKFAST WITH SANTA, 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Sat. 12/12, Sunrise Café, 1200 Asbury Ave., Sun., 12/13 Jon & Patty’s Coffee Bar & Bistro, 637 Asbury.

Dec. 12-13 FREE HORSE & CARRIAGE RIDES, noon to 3 p.m. in front of City Hall, 9th and Asbury Ave. For more information call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.

Dec. 12-13 PHOTOS WITH SANTA, noon to 3 p.m. in front of the Music Pier. There will be a $10 charge per photo. For more information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.

Dec. 13 The 65 voice ANGELUS CHORUS will be featured in a program of traditional Christmas music and scriptures at the Ocean City Tabernacle, 5th and Wesley Ave. at 3 p.m. The chorus will be directed by Richard Stanislaw and feature tenor, John Taylor and the Tapestry String Quartet. Admission is free, offering received.

Dec. 18 SWINGIN’ INTO THE HOLIDAYS, a Christmas spectacular by the Ocean City Theatre Company will be repeated at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the Ocean City Music Pier. (See previous item (Dec. 11-13 for show details).

More holiday events will be listed next week.

REMINDER: Get your FIRST NIGHT ADMISSION BUTTONS NOW! for Ocean City’s Gala New Year’s Eve Celebration that provides continuous family entertainment from 4 p.m. until midnight capped by a fireworks display. Buttons are now available for $15 from www.firstnightocnj.com or by calling 1-800-BEACH-NJ. Buttons are also available at the City Hall Welcome Center, 9th and Asbury Ave. After December 15, buttons will be priced at $20.

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