HSOC is a HomeAgain® Helps Finalist

The Humane Society of OCean City announced that it has been selected as one of the top ten finalists in the HomeAgain® Helps contest!
HomeAgain® is a microchip and database company for your furry family members and they are currently having their HomeAgain® Helps contest for shelters nationwide.
HSOC has made to the final stage of the contest and will need your help to win the grand prize. The grand prize is a $25,000 donation for a shelter makeover, a computer, iPad and products from Merck Animal Health, including a HomeAgain® WorldScan Reader. Four runners up will receive a $2,500 donation along with the technology prizes and Merck products.
The voting link is http://www.homeagainhelps.com/shelter-details?shelterId=3. Please be sure to cast your vote for HSOC and then encourage all of your friends and family to do the same!
Any money they win (hopefully the grand prize!) will be used to retrofit the cat room with new habitats to give our adoptable cats more space and comfort. They will also purchase new sickbay equipment including stainless steel cages to help reduce disease transmission, redo the kennel structure with new fencing and interior dog runs, upgrade the kennel system, and expand our community outreach programs to educate about animal cruelty and neglect.